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Minnie Evans       1.      Tape U1

NHS How did you know about it?

M.E I think I got it, the most of it at least once got it I wish I knew. And he said to me something about long life and a whole lot of figuring. This is from China somewhere up in there. I don't know wether it's China or Tibet. That looks like Tibet don't it? Well anyway we went to this man.

NHS Who was Louis?

M.E. Louis Mack. Of course he's dead now. Anyway he was doing very well until he started to drinking you understand and well and he lost a lot of the letters. I had some that he got them there and I kept them and he asked me to let him have them back and I never did get the letters from him anymore. But he wrote a letter to this man wanting to know what had he did done with those paintings he sent to him and he did not send him a answer. So more than two and a half years

NHS Now wait a minute. You mean you sent this man Mr. Pringle You sent him some of your paintings?

M.E. I wrote to him to see what had he done with the paintings.

NHS I mean did you send him the paintings first?

M.E. Well yes

NHS When did you send him paintings?

M.E. Thant's what I can't get on the time. It seems like it is every bit about 12 years ago. It was about 13 years ago because my little Garry then wasn't . was just starting to walk good and he's 15 or something like that. Now when we sent these pictures to him this man was not to send them back. He was to take them to Quebec you see. To see if he could interpret the writings. One of these had a lot of that all kinds of writing on it. So he wanted to at least keep in touch with me but the last he write him - the last letter he got from this man it wasn't much. You know something I can't remember it now but anyhow Louis wrote two or three more times.At least to my knowing. So they never sent him any answers back. Now I have wrote three different letters to this man myself and I haven't got any answer and I know they are still there because last year I saw this same advertisement of this man and I was in Star News. SO I was talking to one of our Star men about it and he says he didn't know. The best thing for me to do he said you get your Chamber of Commerce to contact the Chamber of Commerce down in California and they will track this man up. But I haven't did that so this man got nineteen or twenty of my pictures somewhere. What I want you to to fo is to get in contact with these people but you have to get the Chamber of Commerce to make this man say to do and get him and one of those pictures that was sent to him way back in 19. It was in 1948. I am sure it was in 48 or 49. But he's got those pictures but he's got them all in the writing ein the name of Louis Mack.

NHS He doesn't have your name?