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April 1969
[Begins-mid-page 36 in greenbook to top p.38-then to p. 9 green book (Madam Tula) then mme. Tom p. 13 p.14 confusion- 12y on bed loam to. 3.45
top. 15]
ME: The same people that own the Airline own this.
NHS: Was it on the same land?
ME: What's say?
NHS: On the same land?
ME: The land on this was divided but it all belongs to them and they would bring scores and scores of women in from all over the country every Sunday. Mrs. Smith was very interested 
[Spring 1970]
April 1969
Approx. 55 on tape 
ME: I didn't have any idea of this being-of this gathering of people. I have never been to a luncheon before and it was a great surprise to me especially when Mrs. Garrity came and invited me to the luncheon and would love to use some of my pictures and asked me would I come and I said yes. I was delighted to come but I didn't have any idea of what it was going to be. I was greatly surprised and I was thankful to Mrs. Garrity for inviting me because it made me feel so happy. 
NHS: Tell me about that picture. I want you to tell me about the picture with the two lions. You understand?
ME: Okay, Now the two lions I have often told you I dream of. I dream of a great [bright] beautiful city the whole element[s] was a city. A ray of rainbow colors and it is beautiful. When they passed away those two lions came. One in the north and the other in the south. They were beautiful and the two of those two lions were beautifully designed. I am not able to repeat the designs that I saw but I have just put something here in the way of it and there was a few stars. I didn't know how many stars. So I painted twelve stars. I was talking to my pastor about it. He says those lions is a sign of the lions of the tribe of Judah. The Bible only speaks of one lion but I saw two. They was [were] so beautiful. The [most] beautifullest lions you ever seen and I tried to imitate by putting some kind of designs on but it was not like the designs [that] I saw [between] of these two lions. They were beautiful.
[Then to page 27- green book. Antse's wedding 27-28
her family p. 29 greenbook
p.30 most interesting dreams that star.
p.31 I was in very very bad shape
p. 32 friends wont look at her picture" kind of cut their eyes 
lawyer Rouatree-]