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Minnie Evans


and she was in the park.

NHS. Thank you

NHS. These two ladies up her


NHS. Your mother and Julius' mother

MRS. KELLY. My mother and Julius' mother, Lennie's husband's mother that other one over there. Oh, she was nice. My mother was she was a seamstress. She sewed and made people clothes (NHS. Yes) and she was making them every since she was a young misses, sewing. 

NHS. But you said they were both alike in that they were both very proud, you said.

MRS. KELLY. Oh yes [Olla] Julius' mother she was just as proud as she could be (NHS. Who) Julius' mother. She was a proud old lady, nice tidy old lady she was and and mine - you say you wanted to take [Lawyer] Rountree's picture? (NHS: yes) Well my mother and she seen him right after he was born. He was a little baby and mama was at his mother's house that day sewing when his father brought him down to mama to see. They was just proud, tidy and nice and clean and they believed in dressing, and fixing and primping and Julius' mother every pretty hat she'd seen, she didn't care if it was for old or young one, all she wanted all she wanted was to put it on and dress up. She was just nice (NHS: yes) tidy old lady. She was, I thought a heap of her. [When] She use to come down to the market, I was living down there. She was living out near the Sound and she'd come down and bring her market and go on down and all the people round the Sound down there they all knowed her and they would buy. Buy all the stuff whether they used it or not they would buy it and she'd come back and I'd get after her. I'd say 'what you want to go home for?' 'I got to go home. I say you ain't got a soul there home out there at your house and why can't you stay here with me tonight? I say you have a plenty time. Oh, she'd laugh. She'd say is you got some coffee? I saw no but I can get some pretty quick if that's what's going to keep you. I'll get some. I say now so I called Buddy, my sister-in-law's boy, I say go out to the store there and tell them to send me a pound of coffee. So they go get it cause I wanted her to stay and then I would get my husband's mother [she was] right next door and them two was together way back in the old times and be showing one another how to dance. (NHS: How they danced?) and Julius' mother she says and it tickled my husband and he showed them some kind of something they did. She'd say oh! shucks boy I can beat you on that - what?) I can beat you on that. She says give me a glass of water in there and set it on top of her head and dance and never drop a drop.