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June 21, 1972


Mrs. Kelly: My mother right after slave time. That's been so long (laughter)

NHS: You were born in the same house as your mother?

ME: Mam?

NHS: You were born in the same house as your mother was born in?

ME: No

NHS: I thought she said

ME: Not in the same house

NHS: I thought she said you were both born in the same house

ME: No, not in the same house. The house where mama was born ^[in] was a little house there and the people had taken it for a barn, smoke house or some kind of something. Still it was still there. I was born in another home where my Aunt Emma . Aunt Emma, [[strikethrough]]Aunt Ika,[[/strikethrough]] [unintelligible] somewhere in there (laughter).

NHS: What about this painting with the boats and the house?

ME: What's say?
[Boats + House Painting]
NHS: Tell me about this painting with the boats and the house.

ME: This? I don't know a thing about them. I just went and did it (laughter).

NHS: It's lovely.

ME: Just out of notion of doing things like that.

NHS: It's very

ME: I hadn't seen nothing like it.

NHS: No, it's lovely.

ME: That's [[strikethrough]]what made me[[/strikethrough]] [when they?] done it.

NHS: I like that red chimmney.

ME: What's say?

NHS: I like that red chimmney.

ME: Do you?

NHS: Do you understand?

ME: That big country chimmney