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July 21, 1973 
Minnie Evans

M.E. I knew you had a lot and I didn't know whether you wanted to to be worried with any more of them or not.

NHS: Did you bring any new ones?

ME: Unhum

NHS: Some new ones?

ME: Yeaas

NHS: Where are they?

ME: They in here

NHS: Oh! are they? Well we didn't get [blank space]. Tell me about this. Just a minute now. This is number #83 and Minnie is going to tell me about it. She brought a copy of it today Which means that she does think it's important. She's going to tell me about #83. Tell me about that.

ME: Well When I did this. I showed it to the lady, Madam Tula and she told me about this. She said this picture here these things here there was no such a thing as a atom bomb when these come out. She told me these was some kind of big war materials that's going to, she said almost destroy the world.

NHS: You showed this to Madam Tula?

ME: Umhum, She told me that and she said some.

[Handwritten] N.H.S. The following is about her son George [\Handwritten]

M.E. He has bad spasms with that stomach

NHS. Aaah!

M.E. So me and him together hold heads together in prayer

NHS. You do? You and George?

M.E. My George, Yes (laughter). Yes things come up me and him get together. George we set a time to pray. He and I. I'd say George mama's praying, and he would say Mama, I know. Any little thing come up in what he wanted we'd just set a time to pray. I'm telling you. So we have faith. Faith in prayer. I've prayed, you know know I prayed for you (laughter).

NHS. Oh! thank you.

M.E.: I prayed. I'd say George Mrs. Starr is sick. So I asked him, You and me, you and I, let's pray for Miss Starr. So, alright mama. So when I heard telling the good news of getting much better, oh! my. Prayer is having other things you have to have faith in God and we can't pray today and get angry and do other things tomorrow. We got to keep in that straight and narrow path. That's what to have. I tells my children, I say we got to, I say I can't