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[[9 columned table]]
Date 1867 | Minister | Names of Husband | and Wife | Former Residence | When Married | By Whom | No. of Children | Remarks

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Daniel Lee | Marth Holand | Frederick City, Md. | 1845 | No ceremony | 6 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | John Atkins | Maria Brown | Prince George Co. Md. | 1848 | No ceremony | 2 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Boston Campbell | Hannah Whiting | King and Queen Co. Va. | 1837 | No ceremony | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Henry Dudley | Caroline Butler | King and Queen Co. Va. | 1856 | No ceremony | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Samuel Queen | Ann Gant | Port Tobacco, Md. | 1852 | No ceremony | 6 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Henry Reed | Melvina Johnson | Lousia Co. Va. | 1861 | No ceremony | 2 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | John West | Catherine Perry | Prince George Co. Md. | 1847 | Givens (Priest) | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Leroy Gardner | Charity Cawdor | King and Queen Co. Va. | 1853 | No ceremony | 6 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Jesse Matthews | Pricy Sims | Charles Co. Md. | 1840 | Lillihan (Priest) | 10 | Mrs. Matthews is the mother of twenty-two (22) children.

May | Rev. M.V. Wright | William Quiet | Elizabeth Jackson | Fauquier Co. Va. | 1862 | No ceremony | 1 |

May | Rev. M.V. Wright | Humphrey Mills | Louisa Jackson | Caroline Co. Va. | 1856 | Mr. Allen | 3 | 

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | William Jackson | Julia Walker | Orange Co. Va. | 1858 | No ceremony | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Henry Gorden | Sarah Sidner | Richmond Co. Va. | 1855 | No ceremony | 4 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Robert Chew | Rebecca Shorter | Prince George Co. Md. | 1857 | Dates (Priest) | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | S. Allen | Christy Harrison | Prince George Co. Md. | 1859 | Mr. Stanley | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Daniel Colbert | Jane Dorsey | Prince George Co. Md. | 1859 | Beggs (Priest) | 2 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | John West | Caroline Harrison | Prince George Co. Md. | 1860 | Young (Priest) | 1 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Fransis Herbert | Eliza Galoway | Prince George Co. Md. | 1847 | No ceremony | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | John Reader | Cora Keys | St. Mary's Co. Md. | 1861 | Moore (Priest) | 1 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Samuel Bailor | Evaline Dixon | Essex Co. Va. | 1858 | Henry Young | 1 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Nelson Hickman | Grace Brooks | King Williams Co. Va. | 1860 | No ceremony | 4 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Chas Williams | Cordelia Lindsey | King George's Co. Md. | 1857 | No ceremony | 7 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Wm Spottswood | Hannah Hasty | Culpepper Co. Va. | 1847 | No ceremony | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Ben. Rax | Felicia Thornton | Caroline Co. Va. | 1847 | No ceremony | 7 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Henry Prout | Elizabeth Clayton | Maryland | 1827 | Henry Price | 0 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Peter Roy | Agnes Chew | Spottsylvania Co. Va. | 1827 | Charles Lewis | 7 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Thomas Frederick | Louisa Short | Charles Co. Md. | 1847 | No ceremony | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Henry Thomas | Mary Garner | Charles Co. Md. | 1835 | Mr. Wiseman | 4 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Nathl Middleton | Louisa Mills | Charles Co. Md. | 1850 | No ceremony | 0 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright |Granison Curry | Sarah Hawkins | Charles Co. Md. | 1861 | Mr. Chipehall | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Henry Menter | Mary Whiting | Essex Co. Va. | 1850 | Henry Young | 3 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Samuel Price | Maria Short | Charles Co. Md. | 1841 | Wm. Childs | 5 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | George Playton | Maria Smith | Baltimore, Md. | 1852 | No ceremony | 5 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Frank Brown | Charlotte Martin | Caroline Co. Va. | 1852 | Robert Coles | 4 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Patrick Garner | Millie Jones | Charles Co. Md. | 1847 | M[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] (Priest) | 8 |

May | Rev. M. V. Wright | Thomas Bond | Elizabeth Brace | Charles Co. Md. | 1860 | Barlow (Priest) | 0 |

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