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a series of single and double folding boxes; but in order to assist in the preparation of a Monograph of the Acrididae which I have planned with Mr. Bruner, the whole order has been transferred to permanent cabinets. This rearrangement has permitted the incorporation of the new material that has accumulated since 1884, and has placed the collection in far better condition, whether as to safety from breakage or as to facility for study. In the rearrangement a duplicate series was also prepared for the Department of Agriculture to facilitate reference work there. 

     Reports on Accessions often required considerable study and time, and the correspondence of the Department has been extensive.

   A considerable amount of time was occupied in determinations for such Entomologists as either sent specimens for the Department or who had in some way deserved well of the Museum, and for Institutions where the determinations would be valued and valuable.
     Some 20 such lots were named, in addition to those named in accession Reports. 
[[margin]] Slip aa [[/margin]]

     The preparation of papers for publication, as a direct result of the Museum work has occupied, compared


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as per SI instructions no [[underlines]]