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Sword, J.F. (Jonesville, Lee Co., Virginia.)
June 22, 1896. 30808.
15 species Unios, Virginia.
U.S. Dept Agriculture (Washington D.C.)
Aug. 7, 1895. 29680.
Four species of land and freshwater mollusks in alcohol. Dismal Swamps, Va.
U.S. Dept Agriculture (Washington D.C.) Feb.10, 1896. 30310.
Collection of land and freshwater shells. Mexico, Idaho, 2.e.Ids. [[de.?]]

U.S. Dept Agriculture (Washington D.C.) Feb.29, 1896, 30400.
3 species marine shells collected by Dr. E. Palmer. Acapulco Mexico. 

U.S. Fish Commission, (Washington, D.C.)
Dec. 23, 1895, 30147.
Landsnails. Succ. chrysis and Agriolimax hyperboreus. St. Paul, Alaska.
U.S. Fish Commission, (Washington, D.C.) Dr L. Stejneger
Jan. 20, 1896. 30232.
Shells in alcohol 7. small vials landshells, Succinea, Limax de.

U.S. Fish Commission, (Washington, D.C.) Jan 23, 1896, 30244. 
20 jars miscellaneous shells etc. Commander Islands.

U.S. Fish Commission, (Washington, D.C.) Feb. 12, 1896. 30321.
Small collection of mollusks made by Mr Kendall. E.U.S. coast. Maine. 

Vignal, L. (28 Avenue Duguesne, Paris.)
Dec. 3, 1895. 30101.
12 species Neozoic fossils, Faluns Bordelaises, France.

Williamsburg Scientific Society, (161. Rockling                 St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mar. 26, 1896. 30476.
10 specimen, 5 species, common marine shells. Florida and Indo-Pacific. 

Walker, Bryant. (18 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mich)
Dec. 20, 1895. 30139.