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Catalogue of the Insects collected in 1887-'88" has been published as extra No. 771. Mr. Jno. B. Smith's "Contributions towardsa Monograph of the Noctuidae of temperate North America - Revision of some Taeniocampid genera" was published as extra No. 781.
Mr. Lawrence Bruner's "New North American Aerididae found north of the Mexican Boundary" was published as extra No. 764.
In addition to these, Capt. T. L. Casey, U.S.A., is engaged in monographing the tribe Blapstine and the genera Eurymetopon and Eumenathus and the Museum material in these groups has been loaned him for study.


During the past year by a rough estimate some 15000 speciments have been added to the collection. Until the work of rearrangement has been completed it will be very difficult to draw up a tabulated statement of the exact condition of the collection as a whole. It is safe to say that more than 30000 specimens of the different orders have been