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S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary         
G. BROWN GOODE, Assistant Secretary, in charge of U.S. National Museum

Washington, [[blank line]], 188

23412 - 1 sp. Attacus Luna from W.  B. Hawkins, cor. 14th and Pa. Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C.

23417 - Imagos and cocoons of Apanteles n. sp., found in Japan, parasitic on Ocneria dispar, from H. Loomis, Yokohama, Japan.
802 - 1 sp. Corydalus cornutus from J. Eckert, 168 Ferry St., Newark, N. J. (for report).

23355 - 1 sp. South American dragon-fly (Cordulegaster sp.) from Capt. Allen V. Reed, U. S. N.

799 - Larvae and beetles of Attagenus piceus from D. Strunk, Mankato, Minn. (For report).

809 - Larva of Citheronia regalis from E. M. Corry, Magnolia, Ark.

23377 - 1 sp. Dynastes tityus taken at electric light, Washington, D. C. from J. O. Hargrove, U. S. Nat. Mus.