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afternoon. Run shoreline from Bluff delta to the river and come aboard about 7 P.M. Two of the bidarks return from the peninsula and bring us two quarters of reindeer meat. Send a note to Caton by them. Day very windy, get wet through twice by the sea breaking over the boat. Evening moderates a little. [[Skin birds?]] Bar 29.900

Wednesday June 26
Ther. 46.5, 50, 44. Bar 29.898 Cloudy lt W air is calm. Go out running shore line on Popoff Il but the wind shifts to S and shortly after we reach River signal it commences to rain and we are obliged to return. Spend day plotting shoreline P.M. wind NE. Boat goes after salmon but gets none. Bidark comes down from Aliaska and I buy six quarters of reindeer meat. The vessel we saw going into Coal Harbor was the Roscoe. Evening raining hard 9 P.M. bar 29.900

Thursday June 27, 1872
Ther. 47, 49, 44 Bar. 29.750. cloudy raining hard. work at plotting [[all?]] wind lt. SE