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_Thursday July 4, 1872_
Ther. 51.48.51. Bar. 29.560. Wind strong NE. cloudy foggy and rainy so around the harbor finding the chart far from correct in details. Get a few flowers and shells nothing of interest. P.M. take a dory and go around the point to the old cave and get a lot of wooden articles and pick out those which we can conveniently carry leaving the rest until another time. The schr Vivid. Capt George Holder Belkoffsky arrives in P.M. with a Mr. Schirpsen aboard. They are to take down fish. Give them our letters. Get off about 8 P.M. make a long tack and reach [[?Arch Rock??]] by 10 minutes of 11. Then wind fails and we pull up both vessels.
_Friday July 5_
Ther. Bar.29.640 wind lt variable or none NE. Cloudy foggy and rainy - all day. P.M. nearly dead calm. Work over plotting shorelines P.M. packing away specimens and skinning birds 9 P.M. bar. unchanged