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noon moderates a little. Afternoon less wind and more westerly, some rain and fog.  Evening raining again 9 P.M. 29.840

Friday July 19. 1872
Ther. 48.5. 54. 45. Bar. 29. 950. Cloudy foggy rainy, fresh S wind. Schr. Roscoe leaves the harbor, P.M. toward night a little more moderate. Tidemeter washed away in the gale. 29.980

Saturday July 20
Ther. 49. 51. 46. Bar. 30.120 cloudy foggy rainy. Today being full moon with very low tide set up the tide staff again so that the zero comes at dead low water. but about 8.30 A.M. as we are preparing for soundings it commences to rain hard. which delays us till 10 o'clock when we go at [[?]] till noon when we leave off soundings, wind high S by E with occasional rain squalls. Tide rises about nine feet today. very low water in the morning. The white mark on the rocks is almost exactly 11 feet above low water mark of today - P.M. Schr. Wild Gazelle Capt. Henderson with 45,000 codfish comes in and gets ashore on the spit but floats off in P.M. Very rainy and disagreeable
Draw headlands, Evening skin birds I do up a lot of odd jobs. 30.000

Transcription Notes:
filled in an unknown based on mention of skinning birds elsewhere replaced "+" from previous edits with "and"