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near the house, get some specimens of rocks &c and go back to vessel
Evening plotting Range lines &c 
9 P.M. bar 30.110 day windy, cloudy
Tuesday July 23 
Ther. 46, 54, 50 1/2, Bar. 30.140 Low tide at 8,30 there is no stand. Get on to end of spit + get the following north bearings. [[Mandarin?]] S23W [[Last?]] pt sighted to on 2d. S80W. A corner of Id. at pt. n70w. Watering place N32e. Go ashore on Round Island and get some clams and then go aboard no wind about noon lt SE sail for Nagai.
Two n ends of Unga NE [[pen?]] in 1 E may[[?]].
S End of Andronica and NE of Popoff 2 Ids. in one E 1/4 S. From Unga straits Two S ends of Korovin in One E 1/4 N. N end small Id. off Pop. and S end Andronica in one E 3/4 S
N End Andronica and SW end of Korovin in one E.
S end Bouldyr[[?]] shutting on to NW end Korovin NE 1/2 E. E Peak of Unga bearing S.

9 P.M. bar. 30.130 wind very light E. Boating all day with a very moderate wind and strong head tide making hardly a mile an hour.

Falmouth Harbor

Transcription Notes:
Ther. seems to mean Thermometer Bar. seems to mean Barometer