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_Wednesday July 24_
Ther. 50.54.48. Bar. 30.150 Cloudy foggy, lt NE wind with a little rain at intervals. Come into the N bight of Nagar about six A.M. and at 11.30 anchor in the head of Sanborn Harbor in 8 [[fm?]] P.M. go ashore to try for a position for a base line and signals. There are no beaches suitable and it will have to be measured on the top of the bank. The triangulation will be pretty simple. The surroundings of the Bay are not attractive. High and rugged mountains rather rare of vegetation which is less forward than on the Ungh shore, narrow beaches covered with sharp rocks and the fog & rain altogether to not preposs one in favor of the locality. A grave on the side of the hill with inscription to the memory of William Howell, who died on board the Schr Arizona in 1869 aged 42. And also a signboard put up by Capt Wm Morse in 1866 of the J. D. Sanborn when he first discovered the harbor. 9 P.M. bar. 30.220

[[facing page has notes mid page near description of grave marker]] 
[[?]] olga 1867 June-
Sch J.H. Roscoe 1869
J.D. Sanborn 1867
one other name unknown
got on reef in Popoff Straits
F.H. Steele 1867, went safely by inside.