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-Thursday July 25_
Ther. 52 1/2. 56. 48 1/2. Bar. 30.220
Weather foggy with some rain light N by E wind. A.M. setting up signals as follows.

South Base on a knoll, back from the beach NE of the grave. prim.∆

North Base half a mile further north on a similar knoll behind the beach which is too crooked to admit of running a base line near it. These two form the ends of the baseline. Primary ∆

Lake station on a small point near the north head of the harbor.
[[left margin]] Flag [[/left margin]]

Beach station, in a similar situation on the other side.
[[left margin]] Flag [[/left margin]]

Rock station, on a [[smally?]] rocky bluff about half way between N+S Base Stations on the west side of the bay.
[[left margin]] Flag [[/left margin]]

Fireweed Station on the side of the hill nearly opposite S base ∆ on the west side of the Bay.
[[left margin]] Prim ∆ [[/left margin]]

Eagle station on one ridge of the rocky bluff on the East side opposite the entrance of the Harbor
[[left margin]] [[Flag?]] [[/left margin]]

Least 3 erected in P.M. rainy foggy + very lt. wind.
9 P.M. bar. 30.214 Foggy rainy

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North Base
South Base

Transcription Notes:
The marginalia next to [[Fireweed]] says Prim[[delta]]. Not sure what the others say--"To lay" maybe? added delta symbols, suggest "Flag" for marginalia. Added transcription of points on map.