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immediately underlying them, having a thickness of at least 5000 feet.  Isaac goes home via Falmouth Harbor early in the A.M. Bar. 9 P.M. 30.022

Sunday July 28
Ther. 55.64.51. Bar. 30.010. Early A.M. nearly clear.  Start before breakfast and take a series of altitudes for longitude near Rock signal on the beach.  Sky soon covered with thin clouds.  At noon essay meridian observations but clouds gather so thickly that they are futile.  P.M. Cloudy, moderate SW wind. 9 P.M. bar. 29.976 

Monday July 29
A.M. Ther. 55.69.49.  Bar. 30.000
Wind fresh NW at 6 A.M. go ashore & take observations for longitude.  Perfectly clear.  Noon meridian observations for lat & lon. 9 P.M. bar 30.120 afternoon equal altitude observations of sun to complete AM observations Day perfectly clear but windy [[strikethrough]] aparr [[/strikethrough]] apparently from N outside but SW in harbor.

Tuesday July 30
Ther. 54.65.48. Bar. 30.200.  Early A.M. half clear.  Ascend Mt. Hilgard & take the following obs. see opposite page

3300 From summit of Mt. Hilgard E end

[[5 column table]]

|Signal on Mt. Patterson|360|180 S58W|238|[blank]|
|[[?]] Base ∆|54.23|23 N67 3/4W|292 1/4|12.4|
|End low rocky pt top big Koniuski?|159.25|25 N|37 3/4E|[blank]|
|NE Pk Nagai on pen|187.18|14 N|64 3/4E|[blank]|
|Foot of bluff [[?]]|204.23|24 N|82 1/8E|[blank]|
Next Island N end [[?]] pt and there are more behind
|Next Island S. end|219.32|33 S82 3/4 E|97 1/4|[[?]]|
|South end of highland on island outside of last- Kon|220.43|44 S81 1/2E| 98 1/2|[blank]|
|South end of this low land.[[Sumenoffsky?]]|223.38|38|S78 1/2E|101 1/2|[blank]|
|North end small inner island next South [[?]]|228.45|46 S73 3/8E|106 5/8|[blank]|
|Highest pt Is.|237.53|54 S64 1/4|E|115 3/4|[blank]|
|West pt| 241.02|02 S61 1/8E|118 7/8|[blank]|
|SW|244.32|32 S57 5/8E|122 3/8|[blank]|
|End SW reefs off [[?]]|245.47|48 S56 1/2E|123 1/2|[blank]|
|North end next outside 2d- no reef [[?]]|252.09|10 S50E|130|[blank]|
|S pt same|266.36|37 S35 1/2E|144 1/2|[blank]|
|Elbow of said spit & two rocky points of E bay S side beyond E harbor|260.38|39 S41 5/8E|144 1/2|[blank]|
|N end twin pks|263.36|37 S38 3/8E|141 5/8|[blank]|
|S end twin pks|265.07|08 S36 3/4E|143 1/4|[blank]|
|Rocks off pt of SE 2d off Nagai|296.09|10 S4 5/8E|175 3/8|[blank]|
|Highest Pt|298.07|07 S3 3/4E|176 1/4|[blank]|