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Thursday Aug. 8
Stormy. Ther. 55.58.51 1/2 Bar. 30.110 Wind NE, strong, raining hard, all day, platting shore lines. Mouth very sore. 9 P.M. bar. 30.200

Friday Aug 9
Ther. 53.56 52 Bar. 30.240 Cloudy, strong NE wind raining hard Rains most of day with fog & wind from ESE to NE variable. 9 P.M. bar 30.240. rainy Wild Gazelle comes in abt 10 PM

Saturday Aug. 10
Foggy with some rain, occasionally clearing up for a few minutes & then thick again. Ther. 53.62.49. Bar. 30.236 P.M. Take angles from Fireweed & Entrance stations but do no more as the fog thickens again. In the morning the Wild Gazelle leaves after filling water &c taking some letters to go by her on the Roscoe. In the evening abt 6 P.M. Chute & John drop in on their way to the mainland, & spend the night. Platting & copying angles. 9 P.M. bar.30.170

Sunday Aug 11
Rainy, foggy. Lt NE wind Ther. 54.60.56 Bar. 30.020. Foggy & rainy all day. In the A.M. the Roscoe comes in and Capt. Jones comes aboard. Toward evening the Wild Gazelle

[[image - hand drawn topography map]]