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comes in again. Capt. Henderson reports a rock between Buldyr and Korovin one third from B. with kelp and 8 feet of water on it. The Scotlands dories last year touched it with their oars. There is 4 fathoms water between Korovine and the little island SW of it. 8 fms just off NE Id of Popoffsky and very irregular rocky bottom.  The east end of Korovin is just seen past Popoff Head by vessels fishing off S Unga Harbor. In Eagle Harbor, there are 15 fms outside and inside of the bar - Let Chute have some lumber and get 30 lbs of coffee from Capt Jones. Plat, work on descriptions of signals etc all day - 9 P.M. bar. 29.950

Monday Aug 12, 1872
Ther. Foggy with very little easterly air, Bar. 29.960. Start out sounding and sound all day finishing those at this point. Day wet rains quite hard in P.M. but I keep on and finish. 9 P.M. bar. 30.050

Wild Gazelle & Roscoe leave harbor

Tuesday Aug 13
Ther. 51.54.53 5/10 Bar.30.010
Cloudy, foggy, some rain, high SE wind in squalls. storms all day. 9