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Low water in p.m. about 6 o'clock (for there was a dory stand) sounded with 4 ft & 1 in. water.  Mr Hodgekins reading staff at same moment, as standing at 5 ft 9 in.  This night at 9.30 pm the next (?) high water sounded and got in the same place 10 ft in all making-, 12 ft 2 in above 0 of staff- p.m foggy, rainy, wind light & variable. 9 p.m. bar. 30.168.  Have the vessel off a little way at high tide, but contrary wind & bad hold of Kedge prevent getting her very far. 
Sunday Aug 18th, 1872
Chill, 7.03' low tide read 3in on staff - A.M.  Strong SW wind blowing. Ther. 58.63.32.  Bar 30.20. Fog & clouds blowing off & partly clear.  9 P.M. 30.100. about 11 P.M. leave the vessel off the beach but the anchors dragging and the heavy squalls breezing at once.  Take her nearly back to her old place.Kill [[?]] and ducks in the lagoon.
Monday Aug. 19.
Ther. Bar. 30.100. a living gale from NW with terrible squalls, water spouts & woolleys(?)  of which language can give no adequate description