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Saturday Sept 21
Go ashore after breakfast, call at Howard & Pools & leave order for trunks, then at Grand Hotel to see Davidson out, then at Capt. Noyes' office, then leave letter at H.K.'s up to C.S. office & spend most of the day there edging in a word or two occasionally. Davidson being full of the Agassiz address to the Academy. All our letters except one from father and another from Miss Turner have gone up on the Vivid. Send letter to mother.  Lunch with Stearns. Poor Stimpson is dead, of a broken heart I think. The Chicago fire killed him.  Stay at the office until 4 P.M., then come aboard & spend evening copying journals &c. Men all ashore. Go aboard Hassler.

Sunday Sept 22
A.M. Capt. Johnson of the Hassler sends me off some blanks, pay rolls.  Go ashore about 9 A.M. with prof. Baird, and a Mr Ed C. Doran. Go up to Mrs. Elmers and engage a room. Go to church, meeting Mr Stebbins by the way. Walk down with 

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 Telegraph to Hein 3.50 gold Gov't acct

Transcription Notes:
Agassiz was a biologist of the right time period