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Work over vouchers & on Seammon's whale paper all A.M. P.M. go to Hodges & get bill then to H.K.& Cos & get vouchers signed. then to Bournes & pay bill call at Miller + Halls and then back to dinner. After dinner go to room & read, then out to Mr. Raymonds all out. Then go to Capt. Noyes & spend the evening.
Friday Oct 4
Morning go to office. No letters. Seammon comes in and gets his MSS. Work over account draw 200.00 in gold, pay Hodges bill get vouchers signed by Hodge & H.K. & Co Then go down to vessel Meet Mr. Low by the way Go aboard and get meter & book. Taking in water Go to Harris & Pool & get vouchers signed back to office at 4 P.M. down to Overland office in to Shorts, work till six P.M. then dinner, then to room. Evening go to a church festival on [[Geary?]] St. with Mr. Geo R Eckles

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Flowers 75
dinner 50
car tickets 25c