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Saturday Oct. 5 
Work all day at the office over estimates– P.M. call on the Lewises

Sunday Oct 6 
Work in A.M over letters, P.M go out to Mr. Hall's to dine & spend evening-

Monday Oct 7 
Morning, go to office, no letters, then down to Shorts, Tennents, post office, Capt. Noyes, then to room, round to Snooks about package. Then to office again. day very hot, work over reports &c. finally to dinner, then to room & evening at Academy Meeting
Tuesday Oct 8
Morning, down to office & up on Telegraph Hill with Throckmorton then to post office, Tennent's and Moores. Back to office write & work – Engage Kaufmann as draughtsman – get box from Snook and forward. Go to Capt Noyes to dine and spend evening – walk back & stay a little at the Union Club with Mr. Smith 

Wednesday Oct. 9 
Go to office, work over computations. Kaufman comes to work go down to room & then to Bun

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C.S. 9.00
Fruit .10