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california theater to see John Maculloch play Richard III. He is a ranter.  Then spend a while with Bendel at his hotel & then to room.
Wednesday Oct 16
Morning. Go to office & then up to Capt Noyes & take dip obs afterward leaving the instrument at Rabskopp. P. M. work over currents. Call on De Ros in evening.
Thus Oct. 17
Work over currents copies all day. Send Gray's plants. P.M. call on the Halls
Friday Oct. 18
Work over copying. Go upon telegraph hill & find Thero. No 97 to have an error of excentricity 18'.45" West. Get package from Phila. Work till 5:30 P.M. go to express office and dinner. work over Δns in evening and call on Miss Noyes with Harrington
Saturday Oct 19
Go to office and at 11 go out to Presidio with Throckmorton go take magnetic observations but the instru-