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on me, Evening Call on the former + the Count von Arnim at the Occidental and spend the evening at the Thalia Verein

Tuesday Oct 29, 1872
Work at office all day over report. dine with Capt. Partridge PM copying report.

Wednesday Oct 30
Finish report this day 
Spend evening at Smiths

Thursday Oct 31
Letter from Patterson that vessel is to be built. Go down & see Hall & Capt. Noyes. Write paper on prehistorics. Evening dine at Capt Noyes.

Friday Nov 1
Morning. See Hall at office & arrange about model, P.M. go to Stearns' and work in P.M. & evening over Seamman's [[Cyarni?]] Send report

Saturday Nov 2
To office. Davidson mad about errors in Unalashka chart printed out in report. Work over [[Cyarni?]] & finish in evening

Sunday Nov 5
Down to office, then to church
Write letters in P.M. Dine at Capt. Noyes. Church in evening.