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Monday Nov. 4
Rainy. Down to office. P.M. Capt. Hall comes in & models are done. 
Evening Academy meeting

Tuesday Nov. 5
Work at Δn sheets in P.M. and evening.
A.M. go to Hall's office & onboard Humboldt. See and talk to George about going East. Leave order for boxes, Friday, call
at [[Chaymskis?]] and get some photographs of Alaska scenery
from Muybridge.

Wednesday Nov 6
Down to office. Work over azimuths. Go to appraisers Store & get alcohol and leave at Academy. P.M. work over azimuth. packages from S.J. Evening with Capt. Hall over plans of vessel.

Thursday Nov. 7
Work over azimuths at office  Leave MSS at Bacon & Cos  P.M.  Call on Mrs Smith Dr Hewston out & De Ros.

Friday Nov 8
Make out Georges papers.  Go down aboard and get boxes to Academy room. Send George to get his photo. down