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[[strikethrough]] 22 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]]


CHARLES V. RILEY and C. L. MARLATT.  Wheat and Grass Saw-flies.

Insect Life, IV, Nos. 5 and 6, December, 1891, pp. 168-179, figs. 13-15.

Review of previous records of Saw-fly larvae feeding on gaminaceous plants;  food-habits of European species of Dolerus;  general characteristics of Dolerus larvae and distinguishing characters of the various forms observed in North America with notes on their food-habits;  life history of Nematus marylandicus with characteristics of the earlier stages;  food habits of a California species of Dephus which is described as C. occidentalis n. sp.;  notes on the parasites of wheat saw-flies and on remedial measures;  original figure of Dolerus arvensis, Nematus marylandicus, in all stages, and of Cephus occidentalis larva, its mode of work and female imago.

Transcription Notes:
Edited to include strikethrough letters 2. Edited to remove the strikethrough - there is no need to include these because they are irrelevant to the text and only represent a change in case for the typist. The instructions say minimise the use of [[]] and strikethroughs are optional. In this case it makes no sense to include them.