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25554 - About 1200 specimens of all orders collected in northwestwrn U. S., British Columbiaand Alaska by Mr. H. F. Wickham, from Department of Agriculture through the Curator. 
25593 - 24 species of North American Coleoptera mostly new to collection, from F. C. Bowditch, Brookline, Mass.   (Exchange.) 
25599 - Fungus grown from a caterpillar, donated by Mrs. Catharine P. Wallace, Melbourne, Australia. 
25601 - 4 African butterflies from Department of State, collected by J. H. Camp, Leopoldville, Africa.
25616 - Saturniis (Antheraea nucalypti) from W. T. Bednall, Adelaide, Sout Australia.
25609 - 3 species of Odonata (types) from P. C. Calvert, Acad.Nat.Sci.,Phil. Pa.