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Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XVIII, No. 1038, pp. 59-62.
The author comes to the conclusion that the spesie long known in Europe as Geophilus ferrugineus Koch. also occurs on this continent, and is identical with Say's species. It has the generic characters of Mecistocephalus of Newport and should now be called mecistocephalus attenuatus, Say. 
[[strikethrough]] (Partly based on Museum material.) [[/strikethrough]]
O. F. Cook.  East African Diplopoda of the suborder Polydesmoidea, collected by William Ast or Chanler, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, XXX pp. 81-111, pl. II-VI.
A complete monograph of the species of this group known from East Africa, based on partly on the material in the Berlin Museum. Analytical tables are given to the 7 families occuring in Africa and to the genera of the 3 families represented in East Africa. 3 new genera and 5 new species are described. The types are: 3 in the National Museum (coll. Chanler-Hoehnel), 1 in the British Museum, and 1 in Berlin. Structural details are given on the plates of all the known East African species.

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Charles W. Johnson.  A review of the Stratiomyia and Odontomyia of North America. 
Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. , XXII, No. 2, July, 1895, pp. 227-277, pls. III, IV.
A complete monograph of the North American species of the Diptera-genera Stratiomyia and Odontomyia, partly based on the 

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