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Miscellaneous Accessions. Among the smaller accessions to this department of the museum, the following are the most important:

A 20 lb. lobster, in fine condition, from Messrs. Johnson and Young, of Boston.

A fine collection of invertebrates, both marine and freshwater, from the vicinity of Cherrystone, Va., from Col. M.McDonald.

A choice suite of corals from the island of Hayti [[Haiti]], W.I., donated by Prof. J.M. Langston, Consul general at Port au Prince, Hayti [[Haiti]].

Collections of Marine Invertebrates from Alaska, made by Messrs, E.W. Nelson and L. M. Turner.

Valuable and extensive collections of marine Invertebrates (not yet unpacked) from Japanese waters, made by Dr. F.C. Dale and Mr. P. Jouey, attached