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Endt on Com of 
Miss J. E. Griffing
Emp Agent

M Q Vol 55 OLS 960

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington July 1st 1867

Respy returned. Disapproved the Asst Comt DC directs me to say that he required all applications to be accompanied by letters from Employers.

M Vandenburgh
Asst. Loc Supt. D.C.


Endt. on Com of
J.S. Griffing

2 Vol 56. OLS D.C. 961.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington, July 1st 1867,

Resp'y returned to Mrs. J. S. Griffing.  This account seems entirely informal, there being no certificate as to its correctness, nor any receipts of the Local Supt accompanying it as vouchers. Moreover all accounts for M'f'g of clothing should be settled with the Ass't Gr Mr. and not with the Ass't Commt.

W.M. Buler Jr
Capt. 38th U.S. Infty
Local Supt. D.C.


Endt. on Com of
Mrs. J.S. Griffing
Emp Agent

2 Vol 56, OLSoC 962
EBQM 10, 962

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. July 2nd 1867,

Respy forwarded disapproved. The custom of sending agents with parties of freedpeople going North, seems no longer to exist since agents are on duty in N.Y. and all the principal points en route - who upon being informed by telegraph of their departure from this place can meet them at R.R. Station & Steam boat landings and forward them on to their destination. By this course much needless expense might be saved the Government, and agents be called less frequently away from their legitimate duties.

W.M. Buler Jr
Capt 38th U.S.I. Local Supt DC

Endt on Appn of
Henry Copeland

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington July July 2nd 1867.

Respy returned. It was understood at this Office that the man Henry Copeland was to be sent to a place of employment & receive wages as a parthand.  This application is returned - as no paupers can be sent to Northern States.

W.M. Buler Jr
Capt. 38th U.S. Infty
Local Supt. D.C.