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Endt on Com of
Mr [[Z?]] Berry

2 Vol 62. O.L.S. D.C. 976.
E B 17 976.

Office Supt. R.& F. [[?]].
Bladensburg, Md June 22" '67

Respectfully forwarded to the Ass't Commr. D.C. with the recommendation that some measures be taken to have these men returned, and forced to comply with the requirements of their contacts, which was made by the Local Supt. D.C. They are now in Washington.

This means of breaking contact is a matter of considerable complaint, and should be stopped if possible. (sgd) Geo E. Henry
Bt Maj & Supt

Bureau R.F. and A L.
Hd Qrs Ass't Comr D.C.
Washington Jul 8" 1867.

Respy referred to Capt. Wm. M Beebe Jr. Local Supt. D. C. with direction to find the parties, investigate the case & report.

By Order Of
Bt Brig Genl Howard.
(sgd) Wm. W Rogers
A.A.A. Genl.

Endt. on Com of
E.G. Townsend

2 Vol 62. O.L.S. 977

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington July 9th 1867.

Resp'y forwarded. Approved.
W.M. Beebe Jr
Capt 38" U.S.I.
Local Supt D.C.

Endt back on Com of
Z. Berry.

E B 2 Vol 16. 976.
E B 2 Vol 24. 976.

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington July 9" 1867

Resp'y returned. There is no means of ascertaining the whereabouts of the within mentioned men, and were they to be found the Local Supt. knows of no way by which he could compel the fulfillment of the contract whose is not equally available to Mr. Berry. He can easily take legal measures to compel the fulfillment of the contract, a copy of which is on file at this Office, and at all times available as evidence.

W M Beebe Jr
Capt 38" U.S. Infty.
Local Supt D.C.