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Endt. back on Com of
D.R. Disbrow.
Emp Agent.

E B 2 Vol 37 O.L.S. 1018

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Head Qrs. A.C. D.C.
Washington. July 25th 1867.

Respy returned to J.V.W. Vandenburgh, Local Supt. D.C. The rules of the "Colored Orphaned Home" prohibit the admission of orphans above the age of eleven (11) years.
It is considered best to provide homes for these boys in the North.

By Order of
Bt Brig Genl. C. H. Howard
(sgd) Wm W. Rogers,
A.A.A. Genl

Endt back on Com of
C.A. Fox

E B 2 Vol. 31.  943.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. July 27th 1867.

Resp'y forwarded. Attention invited to enclosed ($5.) Five Dollars, provided by Mr M V. Wright. to pay expenses of the within mentioned Boy of Sarah Robinson, (colored), - from Warrenton Va to Washington D.C. -

Mr Wright requests that the Boy be forwarded at once.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.


Endt on Com of
Mrs J.S. Griffing

M 2 Vol 80 O.L.S. 1023.
E B 43.1023.

Office Supt East Captl Barracks
Washington. July 29" 1867.

I have often visited Mr Green at the earnest solicitation of parties have helped him against the remonstronce of accident at Visiting Agents.
Rev M.V. Wright & wife, Mrs Harris, & Dr Wheeler, have visited Mr Green at my request. Their united reports are to the effect that few if any families they visit, have the comforts this family seem to have - Green's wife is a White woman - called the Dr a D__d fool &c.
I have no personal feeling in the matter, & will not object to helping them if so ordered, but my judgement is that 19-20 of the freedmen are equally needy.

(sgd) J.L. Roberts.

E B 43. 1023
[[strikethrough]] Approved [[/strikethrough]] Official
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington. July 30th 1867.

Resp'y forwarded for the information of the Asst Comr. D.C.

(Signed) S.N. Clark
Bt Major. U.S.V.
Actg Local Supt D.C.

Transcription Notes:
U.S.V. = United States Volunteers (sgd) = signed