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E.B. 65, 1966, 1867 

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qr. Asst. Com'r D.C.
Washington, Aug 16th 1867

Resp'y returned (Thro Local Supt. D.C.) to D. R. Disbrow, Emp. Ag't, inviting attention to preceding endorsement of Bt. Brig Genl Whittelsey, Chief Qr. Mr. Bureau R.F. and AL. hereon.

By Order of 
Bvt Brig Genl. C.H. Howard
(sgd) Wm. W. Rogers

End back of Com of D.R. Disbrow 

E.B. 5-7 No. 1007. '67
67 No. 1057

War Dept. Bureau R.F. & AL. 
Office C Qr. Mr. Wash Aug 17th 67

Resp'y returned to the 
Actg Asst Adj't Genl with the information that the application for transportation for Ginsey Bradley & three others was referred to the Asst. Comr for Virginia on the 8th ultimo and that for Jacob Hunter was referred to the Ass't Comr for Georgia on the 16th ultimo, both for investigation and report and have not yet been received back. 
The application of Sophia Alexander was referred to the Ass't Com'r for Va. for investigation and report on the 22nd Ult. - was received back with report report on the 15th instant and returned to the Asst Comr D.C. on same date endorsed. - "In view of the facts developed by investigation in this 


case it is not deemed advisable to grant the transportation asked for."

[sgd] Henry M. Whittelsey
Chief Qr. Msr. Bur R.F. & AL.


E B 2 Vol 66. No. 1057

Bureau R.F and A.L.
Hd. Qrs. A.C. Dist of Col
Washington Aug 20th 1867.

Resp'y returned [Through Local Supt. D.C.] to D.R. Disbrow Emp Ag't inviting attention to endorsement of Bt Brig Gen. H. M. Whittelsey, Chief Qr. Mr. Bureau R F and AL. hereon.

By order of
Bt Brig Genl. C. H. Howard
[sgd] Wm. W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl.

Endt. on Comn. of 
J.L. Roberts

2 Vol No. 1067. 1867
E B 71.106

Bureau R F and A L.
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. Aug 20th 1867.

Resp'y forwarded. recommending that this matter be referred to Bt Maj. J. M. Brown Disbursing Officer. D.C.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.