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Endt. on Com of
S.S. Chamberlin
Supt. Bk's.

2 Vol No.1099 O.L.S. D.C

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington. Sept. 7th 1867

Resp'y forwarded, recommended that the within-named persons be admitted to the Home at Freedmens Village.

J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

Endt. back on Com of
J.C. McFerran
Bt Brig Genl. & Dep'y Qs Ms

E.B. 2 Vol 79 O.L.S.1094

Office Local Sept. D.C. 
Washington Sept. 6th 1867

Resp'y forwarded, At the organization of the Local Supt. office July 1st 1865 under Capt. Wm L. Spurgin Local Supt. DC. Bureau R.F. & AL. I was informed by the Spurgin (verbally) that orders for the Burial of indigent Freed people would be drawn on Capt. J.M. Moore A.Q.M. Office 151. G Street. City Washington who would honor such requests, this has been done to this date. I am not cognizant of any written or printed orders in the premises. - Previous to the organization of the Bureau R.F. and AL. Capt. Moore was authorized by the Secy of War to provide burials for indigent Contraband on applications of Sups. & Offices in charge of Contraband Camps in and about the City of Washington D.C. it is presumed that that order has not been revoked.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C. 


Endt. back on Com of
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

L.B. 1 Vol 418.1867.

2 Vol No. 1102. 1867

Bureau R.F. & AL.
Head Qrs. A.C. D.C.
Washington. Aug 28th 1867.

Resp'y returned to Bt. Maj. J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. inviting attention to enclosed report of H. G. Stewart, Agent at Providence R.I.
Major Vandenburgh will send for the man Willets, and take such action as may be necessary in the case. 

By order of
Bt Brig Genl. C.H. Howard.
(sgd) R.G. Rutherford
A.A.A. Genl.

Endt. on Com of
E.E. Ashley
Portage City Wis

2 Vol No. 1100 O.L.S. D.C.

Office Local Supt. D.C. 
Washington Sept 7th 1867

Respy referred to Mr Disbrow, who will answer this letter & secure the servants if he can. 

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C. 

Endt of Com of
J.H. Gilbert

2 Vol No. 1107. O.L.S. D.C.

Office Local Supt. D.C. Sept 7th 1867
Resp'y referred to Mr. D.R. Disbrow, who will please answer this letter & procure the servants if he can

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.