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Endt back on Com of
Fred S Tuksy

2nd Vol#1527, O.L.S. D.C. '68

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington March 7th 1868.

Resp'y returned - The parties named in this communication "cannot be found", if their residence can be given further effort will be made.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.

Endt on Com of
Pell & Marple
Prin Sol. C School

2nd Vol No 1532 O.L.S.D.C. '68

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington March 9th 1868.

Resp'y referred to Miss J.E. Griffing, Agent &c. for action.  report as soon as servants are secured.

JVW Vandengburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

Endt on Com of 
Mrs J.S. Griffing
Agent &c.

2d Vol # 1543 O.L.S. D.C. 1868
E B 198  1543

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington March 10th 1868.

Resp'y forwarded for the consideration of the Asst Comr D.C.  I know nothing of this case, the original papers not having passed through this office.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.


Endt back on Com of
L Jolissiant
A.S .A.C.

2nd Vol No. 1411 O.L.S.D.C. '68

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington March 10th 1868.

Resp'y returned to Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com. D.C.  The parties named in this communication cannot be found the address being "East Street Bet. 3rd & 4 1/2 St", there is no such street as "East Street" in this city - one entire day was spent in fruitless effort to find some such location -  and some man answering to the name of Geo. Heicks "E" St bet 3rd & 4 1/2 Sts. East. West. North & South, has been visited without success.

JVW Vandenburg
Local Supt. D.C.

Endt on Com of
A.K. Browne
Agent &c.

2nd Vol # 1546 O.L.S. D.C. '68

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington March 10th 1868.

Resp'y returned to Hd Qrs. Asst Comr D.C. -- I have consulted with A. K. Browne, Atty &c. - who does not think best to have the woman lease the House in question - but thought if a small amount of second hand lumber was given her to make the house tenantable that she should remain and hold possession of the premises.  I examined the House and find it to be a small 10 by 12 foot shanty not worth repairing - and that the woman's Son or Son-in-law has taken her in his house (in the same yard) and provided her with Shelter - under the circumstances I see no cause for the interposition of the Bureau in the case.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.