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Vol 3 No. 111 O.L.S DC/68
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Washington June 19" 1868
Maj Stuart A.A.A. Genl.
To J.V.W Vauderburgh[[?]] Local Supt. D.C.

Bureau R.F. + A.L.
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 19" 1868

Resp'y referred to D.R. Disbiou[[?]] SUpt of Barracks for immediate action. the partition has been put up. But the Bell will be removed and also the narrow boards stopping the ventilators on the Roof. 
Employ some Carpenters to do the work.
J Maundenburgh[[?]]
Local Supt. D.C. 

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Vol 3 No. 62 OLS D.C. 1868
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Gordonsville Va May 6" 1868
Marcus S. A.S.A.C.
To Agent of[[?]] Washington D.C. relative to the whereabouts Samuel Harris (Col.) +c.
Bureaur R.F. + AL
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington 19' June 1868

Resp'y returned. Thorough investigation has been made in the enclosed case;
Samuel Harris (col) cannot be found at any of the Depots or Engine Houses in this City.

J Maundenburgh[[?]]
Local Supt. D.C.


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Vol 3 No. 56. 1868
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Washington D.C. [[March?]] 16"/68

Benj. N.[[?]] War Dept. 
To Maj Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. Genl.
relative to the case of Beverly Buckner son of Kitty Buckner(col) who was hired to John Baker[[?]] of Piscatawoy Md. +c. 
Bureau R.F. + A.L.
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 19" 1868.

Resp'y returned. Upon investigation in the Enclosed case - it is asertained that John Baker[[?]] is a resident of Washington City - and that Robt. Baker was the Employer
of the within named Beverly Buckner (col) that she[[?]] said Robt. Baker is insolvent. Both Mrs. Van Rissick + John Baker deny that they were witness to the Contract.
I think the case entirely hopeless at leas[[t]] at this time. 
J. Maundenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.   

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Vol 3 No. 106. OLS. D.C'68
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Washington June 16" 1868

Ellen(Col) Stating that her daughter is living with a Mrs.
Hazlett[[?]] of Powhatan Balt Co. Md. + she refuses to give her up +c.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 18" 1868.

Resp'y forwarded to Br. Maj Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. G. Bu. R.F. + AL. Recommended that this case be referred to the
Asst Com for the State of Maryland at Baltimore Md + that Mrs. Hazlett[[?]] of Powhatan Mills, Balt. Co Md. be required to return the child to its Mother, in compliance with the decision of the Chief Justice U.S.S. Court embodied in the enclosed
circular of the Asst Com. D.C.

J Maundenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.