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Washington Apl" 24" 1868.

H.T. [[Ethenss?]] Alley bet B&C SS [[?]]

To Gen"l C H Howard, A.C.D.C.
Requesting a Stove for Jane Jackson (Col) living said Alley who has rheumatism & is quite helpless, etc.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 19" 1868
The enclosed case has been fully investigated +_ I have the honor to recommend that the within named colored woman (Jackson) be sent to the Home at Freedmans Village Va, she being entirely helpless from Rheumatism and in very indigent circumstances.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.

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Vol 3 No. 112 O.L.S.D.C.

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Horse Head M"d Apl 9/68
W"m J.   To Maj Clark, A.A.I. Genl, writes in behalf of a colored woman, who has lost her child, etc
Bureau R.F. + A.L.
Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington June 19" 1868.

Resp'y returned Hiram H. Kimmel residing at No" 504 1/2. 11th St. City States, that in the month of December 1867, the within mentioned colored girl Judy Ford came to his house with Mrs Murry a Resident of Prince Geo Co. M'd and a sister of his (Kimmels) wife that Just previous to Mrs. Murry's starting for her home this girl Judy, in company with Kimmels Daughter left his residence No" 504 1/2 11" St to take to him his dinner at his Dye House 451, Penn" Ave after which his daughter returned Home, leaving Judy to await the wagon with Mrs Murry.


that was to stop for her at the Dye House - but Judy followed the daughter of Kimmels home again and on the arrival there the wagon had gone.
Mrs. Kimmel told her daughter to get an Umbrella and take Judy down to the dye house, but when the daughter of Kimmels got her umbrella, Judy had gone, she supposed to overtake the wagon, but has never been seen since.
Mr" Kimmel says he reported the case immediately at Police Head Quarters, and advertised her in the Evening Star.- but she could not be found.
I know of nothing more that can be done in the premises.
JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

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Vol 3 No 113. O.L.S. D.C. 68
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Chicago Ill June 13/68

Henry C.
Requests a servant from 12 to 16 yrs of age etc
Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington June 19" 1868.

Resp'y referred to Mrs J S Griffing Agt for Action + report.

JVW Vaundenburgh
Local Supt D.C.