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Washington D.C.
July 30
[[left margin]] Frohman [[/left margin]] Lemuel
To * Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard Comm. re Complaining that
O.S.B. Wall at Campbell Bks. has ordered them to move &c.&c.
Received at O.L.S. D.C. with following endorsement
Washington D.C.
July 31" 1868
Respectfully returned thro Local Supt D.C. - the removal of these
parties is prohibited, except for improper conduct, or failure to 
pay the rent required by regulations
(Signed) Stuart Eldridge
A.A.A. General
*Should have been to Genl O.H.Howard Asst. Commr. D.C. (Transmitted)

Washington D.C.
July 31
[[left margin]] Eldridge [[/left margin]] Stuart 
To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C. Stating
that the Bks. Cor] 17th and I Sts are in bad sanitary
condition &c
Office Local Supt D.C.
August 3rd 1868
The nuisances herein mentioned, proceeds from the sink used by
the guard on duty at the Stables Cor 17th and I St. under
control of the Commander of the Department of Washington
JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.
See Page 246


Washington D.C.
July 15th 1868
[[left margin]] Publico Pro Bono [[/left margin]]
To Maj. J.V.W Vandenburgh - regarding a child - who was 
whipped by a person living Cor. 11th and S Sts. &c -
Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington Aug. 6" 1868
This case was thoroughly investigated July 16" 1868 and the following
facts elicited. The child mentioned in this communciation
is not bound by the Freedman's Bureau, she is the "Protoge"[[protege]]
of her former mistress, who resides near Aqua Creek Va (where
the parents of this child still resides) and is visiting friends in 
this city; the child stole some jewelry from one of the members
of the family - for which she was punished, but not one 
mark of severe chastisement could be found on the child's
person, although stripped for such an examination. There is
no evidence of abuse whatever. This democratic Pro Bono Publico
must have been suddenly taken with a spasmodic fit of sympathy for the colored race, that seldom becomes chronic with one of his political faith
J.V.W Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.
See L.R. No 195

Lincoln Buildings
Washington D.C. Aug 5" 1868

[[left margin]] Wall [[/left margin]] O.S.B. Agent
To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. requesting the reappointment of Charles Fink as Watchman &c
Office Local Supt D.C. 
Washington Aug 6" 1868
Respectfully forwarded to the Asst. Commr D.C. recommended.
I Know Charles Fink to be a good reliable man, and an excellent watchman - no better selection could be made. If watchmen are needed to protect the public property at Lincoln Depot