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Local Supt D.C.
Washington D.C.
Aug. 1st 1868

See L.R. No 192 

Ethan James
To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C. - relative to the apprizement of his garden at Campbell Barracks - &c

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington Aug. 6th 1868
The amount $1.50 paid to the complainant is the amount for 
which his garden was appraized by a board of appraizers appointed by
the Asst. Commr D.C. to apprize the cash value of all the gardens
belonging to tenants at Campbell Bks who were to remove from those quarters, and is about the average paid on the apprizement. As the amount paid for all the gardens was only $32.00 this man must be mistaken in regard to Mr. Disbrow stating that his was worth $30.00 alone.
JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.
See L.R. No 188

East Bradford Chester Co
July 23" 1868

Gaschall  H.

To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C., wishing two middle aged persons for farm work +c

Office Local Supt. D.C.
August 7th 1868

To enable the Local Supt. D.C. to answer this letter, it 
is necessary to know in which of the United States - West Chester is situated.

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.

See L.R. No 193

Returned Aug 7" with request to try Pennsylvania. See L.S. 208


Washington D.C. 
Aug 3" 1868

Brown H.K

Solicitor - To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C.
Stating that F.B. Swift of Litchfield Conn. wishes servants
to whom he will pay good wages +c

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington Aug 7" 1868

Respectfully referred to DR Disbrow who will send Mr Colter to communicate with H.K. Browne as regards
wages +c +c 

JVW Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.

See L.R. 180

Freeman's Village Va
August 5th 1868

Abeel J.C.

To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C. relative to the Lee Servants residing in the vicinity of the Village.
Forwarded to Hd. Qurs. Asst Commr D.C. and read back Aug 8" 1868
with the following endorsements.

Head Quarters Asst Commr D.C.
Washington Aug. 8" 1868
Respectfully returned to Maj. J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C.
for Personal investigation and report
By order Asst. Commr D.C.
(Signed) Stuart Eldridge
A.A.A. General

Reported Verbally
See L.R. 191 and 204