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Lincol Buildings
August 5th 1868
[[left margin]] Wall O.S.B. [[/left margin]] Agent
To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. - requesting the reappointment of Charles Fink as Watchman (See E.B. 273) Recd back Aug. 8th with following endorsement
Head Quarters Asst. Commr D.C.
Washington August 8th 1868
Respectfully returned. All necessary watchmen are already employed
(Signed) Stuart Eldridge
A. A. A. General

Office Local Supt. D.C. 
Washington August 11th 1868
Respectfully returned to O.S.B Wall Agent &c. Attention invited to preceding endorsement 
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Local Supt. D.C.

Washington D.C. 
July 31st 1868

[[left margin]] Eldridge S Asst A. A. A. Genl. [[/left margin]]
To J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. - calling his attention to the sanitary condition of the Barracks Cor 14th and I Store
Office Local Supt D.C.
August 3" 1868 (E.B. 172)
Recd. back Aug 8" 1868 with following endorsement
Head Quarter Asst Commr D.C.
Aug 8" 1868
Respectfully returned to J. V. W. Vandenburgh - attention invited to endorsement Comd'g Officer Garrison of Washington. A thorough cleansing of all our premises in the locality mentioned will be immediately undertaken
(Signed) Stuart Eldridge
A.A.A. Genl.
See Page 242


[[left margin]] Perkins C.W. Agent [[/left margin]]
Washington D.C.
Aug. 13" 1868
General C.H. Howard Asst. Commr D.C. forwarding a/c for plastering, of Beach and Evans &c
Received at Office L.S. D.C. with the following endorsement
Head Quarters
Assistant Commissioner D.C.
August 13th 1868
Respectfully referred to Maj. J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt D.C.
to examine the work with reference to the contract and certify upon this account, whether all requirements of the contract have been fulfilled, and whether the whole work therein called for has been completed.
(Signed) C.H. Howard
Asst. Commr. D.C.
Office Local Supt D.C. 
Washington Aug. 18" 1868
The contract for this work cannot be found, I have however inspected the works, and taking as a guide the enclosed copy of a letter to Mesrs. Beach and Evans, I find the work well done and in accordance therewith, the measurement is duplicated from the first row of houses, which was made by the measurer authorized by the City Councils; I therefore certify that the account is correct. As all the houses on
the square, are plastered, and the work done (as near as I can judge without the contract) according to agreement.
J.V.W. Vandenburgh
Local Supt D.C.


Transcription Notes:
Note: [Lincol] = [Lincoln]