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that his daughter Sallie Morton 14 yrs of Age is held against her will by Seth Cooper who lives on the Bloomindale farm one mile from Greenwood Stafford "Co" Va. She is not well treated and desires to come to her father who is abundantly able to support her.

Charlotte Donathan states that her daughter Bettie Donathan is held by Wm Alsop who also lives in Greenwood. Charlotte sent for her daughter. The family refused to give her up & said they would kill her before she should go. Charlotte has another with 7 children held by Wm Moore who lives on Sandy fodder farm one mile from Greenwood. Charlotte's children are badly treated & wish to come and provide for her. These parents wish the govt to obtain their children for them & aver that they are abundantly able to take care of them. These three men Alsop Moon & Cooper all live near Greenwood. Stafford Co Va 15 miles west of Fredericksburgh.

Very respectfully 
Your Obt Servt.
Capt & Supt

War Dept Bureau RF&AL.
Washington July 28 1865

Eaton John Jr
Asst Comm. Bureau RF & AL
District of Col.


I have the honor to forward the following statement of Lettie Folson. Lettie states that her daughter Nancy Folsom 16 yrs of age is still held in slavery by her former master Stephen Johns who lives in Darlington. Hartford Co. Md. that her child was run off by her former owners from Pr. George Co. Md to keep her from her Mother, her Daughter desires to come to her and is not allowed to do so. Lettie prays that her daughter may be restored to her.

Very respectfully &c.
Capt &c

Office Supt RF &c Washington & Georgetown
Washington D.C. July 29 1865

Clark S. A
Lt & A.A.G.


I have the honor to recommend that a shed 14x20 be erected 


in connection with the Soup House on corner of NJ Ave & E. St South. This shed is very necessary as a Cook house Wood Shed &c. The buildings at this place (Ricord Hospital) are being dismantled & can not sufficient lumber be obtained from Capt Crowell A Q M to build the shed. the expense will not be great.

Very respectfully &c.
Capt & Supt

War Dept Bureau RF & AL
Washington DC July 29, 1865

Eaton Jno Jr
Asst Comr Bureau RF&AL
Dist of Columbia

The Soup House of which Mr. Turner has the management has been moved to the Cor of N.J. Ave & E. St. South the house is in good repair but there is hardly sufficient room I have the honor to recommend that a shed 14x20 be erected immediately in the rear and connected with the house. This shed is very necessary as a cook house, wood shed &c. The buildings at this place are being dismantled could some of the lumber be obtained the shed could be erected at a little expense. According to Mr. Turner's report 208 indigent freedmen have been supplied with soup, and during the week this number includes 52 families, 4 single men and 16 single women, none of whom are able to work. The average number of persons applying for assistance at the Soup house during the week ending July 28 was 136. 

Very Respectfully &c.
Captain & Supt

War Dept. Bureau RF and AL Washington DC July 29, 1865

Eaton Jno Jr
Asst Comr
Bureau R F and AL
Dist of Columbia

Jane Wright the wife of a col'd Soldier has made complaint at this office that Jno Tyler a col'd Soldier now employed at Freedmen's Hospl owes her $48 for house rent for his wife for 4 mo's. She has his due bill for this amt Tyler refuses to pay her. I have examined the case thoroughly & am of the opinion that $48 is too great amt for the services rendered but that $25 is a Just & fair compensation. I have had the parties before me & have endeavored to make a compromise between them. Tyler refuses to pay her more than $5. I have the honor to forward this case with the recommendation that his pay be stopped to the amount of $25 in favor of Janes Wright. Enclosed I send Tyler's note. 

Transcription Notes:
col'd = colored