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War Dept. Bureau R F & A L. Washington Aug 7 1865

Leach Robt.

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Dear Sir

Albert Nichols (cold.) complains that he executed certain work for you & that you have not fairly compensated him. Also that you employed his wife Martha at $8.00 per month that you now owe her for 26 days work. Will you oblige me by giving this man a fair settlement. Balance on work $3.00. Wifes wages $6.85. Total $9.85

Very Respectfully &c.

Capt Supt &c.

War Dept. Bureau R F & A L. Washington Aug 9

Bentz S. Baltmore

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My Dear Sir

Your letter dated Aug 2d. was received in due time
I immediately forwarded it to Col Eaton Asst Comr Dist of Columbia. The Col. approved the plan proposed by you and was highly gratified at the interest manifested by yourself in behalf of the Freedmen. The Col. is of the opinion that any donation made should be understood as a reward of merit & not a free gift. From the conversations had with you I know that that is exactly your opinion. I will be glad to fill any requisition you may make upon me

War Dept Bureau R F & A L Aug 9 1865

Carse Geo. B.

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I have the honor to forward according to instructions. Daughney Hame & her two Grand Children she desires to keep her children with her. For that reason I did not think best to send them to the asylum

Very Respectfully &c

Capt Supt &c 


War Dept Bureau R F and A L

Washington D.C. Aug. 11th 1865

Nichols Daniels 
Philadelphia House

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Will you oblige me by giving this woman Mary Counter a settlement for washing done as you agreed to do when she set in to work for you. She states that you owe her $3.00. By attending to this matter immediately you will save each of us further trouble. 

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wm. F. Spurgin Capt.
Supt. R.F. and A.L. Washington & Georgetown

War Dept Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington Aug 11th 1865

To Supt. 
Washington and Georgetown R.R.

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Permit me to call to your attention to the following On yesterday morning the 10th as car No. 4 was turning the curve near the Treasury building. The extra horse driven by a negro boy fell down. After the boy got the horse up the conductor told him to take him out of the way; while the boy was doing so the conductor struck him twice in the back with his fist. I witnessed this myself & thinking that you would not retain any one in your employ who would be guilty of such an uncalled for and cowardly act I determined to report the case. The boy may have been to blame in allowing the horse to walk on the rail; but in no case was the conductor justifiable in striking him.

Office Supt Refugees &c., Washington and Georgetown 
Cor 14th and M Sts. Washington. Aug 15 1865

Benedict N. G. 
Buffalo N.Y.  

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Dear Sir
The Father of John Brown a boy bound to you by Mr Nichols from Masons Island desires to hear from his son. Will you please write me concerning him that I may be enabled to give the Father satisfactory information. The boys parents are well
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Capt & Supt F.R.

Transcription Notes:
col^d = colored (but remove superscript symbol, as per SI TIPS) This page is ready for review