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War Dept Bureau R F & A L
Washington Aug 16th 1865.

Mack Mrs.
13th St near F


Lizzie Dover states that she was employed by you to work at $8.00 per month that she commenced to work last Tuesday one week ago. That you discharged her today and that you now refuse to pay her for what time she worked for you. The object of this note is to request you to pay her the amt. due her $2.25 by so doing you will save yourself further trouble

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servt
Capt & Supt Refugees & Freedmen
Washington & Georgetown. 

War Dept Bureau R F & A L. Washington Aug 17 1865.

Porter Mr
Treasury Dept


Dear Sir
The bearer Amelia World states that you are indebted to her $40. for board. She will be turned out of her house unless she gets the money you owe her. I have the honor to request you to pay her.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servt
Capt & Supt R F & A L
Washington & Georgetown 

War Dept. Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Aug 18 1865

Supt of Police


Dear Sir
The bearer Jas Braxtow cold states that on last Friday he found a pocket book containing $7.50 that it was taken in charge of by a Policeman by the name of Leach. This man thinks, as he found the money that he has a right to it. He has applied to Leach for the money and has been put off. I know not what the law is concerning money found, but feel confident that you will see justice done the man

Very Respectfully &c.

War Dept Bureau R F and A L.

Washington Aug 11 1865
Clark S. N.
Lt & A A G


Mr Turner reports that he is out of Tea, Sugar, Rice and meal. I have the honor to recommend that these articles be furnished for the Soup House in whatever quantity you may think best.

Very respectfully &c.
Capt & Supt.

War Dept Bureau R F and A L
Washington Aug 11th. 1865

Clark S. N.
Lt. & A A G


I have learned accidentally that the Christian Commission has a large supply of stoves on hand and that they contemplate selling these stoves their labor ceasing with the close of the War. I learn this through Mr Yoney. If such is the case, could not these stoves be secured for the bureau?

Very respectfully &c
Capt & Supt.

War Dept. Bureau R F and A L
Washington Aug 11th 1865

Clark S N
Lt & A.A.G.


By direction of Col Eaton Jr I have had an interview with Pvts. Ezra H. Kelley Co "C" 3 Regt Mass Hvy Arty and Henry S Smith Co. "E" 3d. Regt Mass Hvy Arty. They are both good men. I respectfully request that they be detailed.

PS any communication for these men will reach them sooner by being sent to care of Capt A J Sellers, A.Q.M Fort Slocum D.C.

Very Respectfully &c.
Capt &c.

Transcription Notes:
rearranged according to letter format (see SI TIPS) changed "S A" to "S N" Clark changed "A A Co" to "A A G"