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Office Supt R F & A L.
Dist of Columbia.
Sept 4th 1865.

Casse [[G.B?]].
Capt &  Supt
Freedmen's Village

I have the honor to send you this man named "Santa Anna" will you please provide for him. He has been kicked about for some time in Georgetown I think him simple minded & harmless.
Very Respectfully          
Your Obt Servt
Capt & Supt R F & A L.
Washington & Georgetown.
[note at bottom of letter]] Copied [[/end note]]

War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 4th 1865

Clark S.N.
Lt & A A A G.
Bureau R F & A L.
Dist of Columbia

Lieutenant   [[note at top of letter]] Copied [[/end note]]
I have rec'd this morning two letters from Mr. S Bents of Hoods Mills Carrol Co. Md which I have the honor to forward for the consideration of Col Eaton. Mr Bent has procured 6 men & 1 woman. He complains that his hands are tampered with while the hands employed by the "Secesh" are not disturbed I enclose the order I alluded to in a former letter & also one that I rec'd this morning. I am of the opinion that such an order is needed to protect all parties. I would sudjest that it be published in the Baltimore papers. An agent came to this office today to procure a number of hands to take down in Md, his plan is to dispose of them to the farmers at $10. each. I informed him that the slave trade was stopped, he could get no hands here to speculate upon but that if the farmers would come they could obtain as many hands as they individually might want. To let an agent, of whose responsibility we knew nothing, have hands to speculate upon would be criminal; he could have no a/c with the Freedmen nor would we know into whose hands they would fall
Very Respectfully &c.
Capt &c.

War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 4th 1865

Clark S N.
Lt & A.A.A.G.
Bur^u R F & A L. D.C.

Lieutenant [[note at top of letter]] Copied [[/end note]]
I have the honor to recommend that transportation be furnished Edmund Jordan. to Petersburg Va. This man has had both legs amputated below the knees he walks on the stumps. He states that he has a Father living in Petersburg who will assist him in making a living 
Very Respectfully &c.
Capt &c.

War Dept Bureau R F & A L
Washington Sept 5th 1865

Bair M.
5th Pa. H A.

A bill of $97.56 has been presented at this office by Ferdinand Ceals dated Prospect Hill Va June 20th 1865, also [[credit by]] a stove $5. & another stove which was rec'd from Capt. Hoak $8.00 leaving a balance of $84.56 is the above named bill correct. Please inform us if the bill is correct & if so when you will grant this man a settlement.
Very Respectfully &c.
Capt & Supt R F & A L. W & G 

War Dept Bureau R F & A L
Washington Sept 6 1865.

Clark. S.N.
Lt & A.A.A.G.
Bur^u R F. & A L. D.C.

Lieutenant [[note at top of letter]] Copied [[/end note]]
I have the honor to state that in accordance with instructions I visited the clerk of the district court Mr. A.J. Meigs, the jailor, I made inquiries of them relative to the child Chas McCoy now lying in jail in this city. Chas McCoy about 13 yrs of age was arrested on the 2d of March 1865 & on that day was committed to jail by Justice Boswell. He laid in jail until May 9th when he was tried & convicted before the criminal court of the district Judge Wiley presiding. He was taken to the house of correction at Baltimore soon after

Transcription Notes:
Proofreader: please check formating for letters for Bu RF&AL. These aren't correct. Not sure on who is signing the first letter on page 22 Margin notes collapsed into letter format