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conviction with other colored persons. They would not receive them because of their color. He was brought back & has since been confined in jail. The jailer states that when he first came he considered him a good boy but owing to his having been incarcerated so long with depraved persons in the jail, burglars & theives, he has become greatly demoralized. He the boy naturally a good one & that if he can be restored to his friend that he can easily be reclaimed. I visited the child in jail. He seems to be in good health but in need of clothing. I think the punishment received by being incarcerated in jail to this time more than adequate to the crime committed. In connection with this case I wish to state that the jailor informed me that there are some 10 or 12 cases in jail similar to this, three have been sentenced but are lying there because of no place to send them & 7 or 8 awaiting sentence. One case is that of a boy still younger than Chas. McCoy who was sentenced last January & has lain in jail until now.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Capt &c

War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 6 1865

Small W.W.

Miss Silva Brown has called at this office & makes a statement that she cooked for you & Mr. Nichols at Camp Zuker.  She cooked for 6 months & 9 days for which she has received no pay. Please inform us if this be true.

Very Respectfully &c.
Capt &c.


War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 6th 1865.

Fisher Marion P
Provost Judge

[[margin]] Copied [[/margin]]


The bearer Flemming Mosby has been employed by Wm Rison who lives in Maryland about 1 mile from Alexandria, on Auction Run creek according to his statement. Rison is endeavoring to evade paying him. I send him to you as I like your style of collecting debts

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Capt & Supt R F & A L.
Dist of Columbia.

War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 6th 1865

Clark S.N.
Lt & A A A G.

I have the honor to request that you approve the enclosed statement of time of Henry Pinkney & Spencer Coleman and send to Capt J M Brown A.Q.M. that they may be paid

very Respectfully Sir
Your Obt Servt
Capt & Supt R F & A L.
Washington & Georgetown

Office Supt R F & A L.
Washington & Georgetown Sept 7 1865

Wrigh A.J.
293 West Balt'o St
Baltimore Md

Dear Sir
In reply to your note of Aug 24th, I am sorry to state that at present it is impossible to furnish you the kind of woman as you desire. Wages here are high & the demand is greater than the supply.

Very Respectfully.
Your Obt Servt.
Capt &c.

[[footnote 1]] Copied

Transcription Notes:
Proofreader: please check formating for letters for Bu RF&AL. These aren't correct. ..Reviewed. only a few minor edits.