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Henry Pinkney (17) days ($1.) per day $17.00
Spencer Coleman 3 1/2 days ($1) per day $3.50
Henry Pinkney was paid $2. of the funds of this office with the understanding that the amt was to be deducted from his pay

Very Respectfully Sir
Your Obt. Servt.
Capt & Supt R F & A L.

Office Supt R F & A L.
Washington & Georgetown Sept 9th 1865

Carse G.B.
Supt Freedmen's Village Va.

I have the honor to inform you that your note of to day is read. if you know of any more please send them here as we can get work for them. There is a great demand here for women that can cook and do Genl House work.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Capt &c

Office Supt R F & A L.
Washington & Georgetown Sept 9th 1865

Jones Mrs
Georgetown D.C.

I recd a letter from Mrs Jones dated Balto Sep 6 requesting me to send to his residence a cold woman for Genl House work. I have the honor to send Sarah Taylor. believe that she will give satisfaction She has one child, about 3 yrs old. This woman has just come to the city from Va. Any agreement you may make with her will be satisfactory. Should you employ, please send me a statement of the contract you made with her the time for which she is employed & the wages paid &c. There will be a fee of 50 cts in accordance with the rates of this office. Should she not suit please notify me & I will endeavor to furnish you another
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Capt &c.

War Dept Bureau RF &AL.
Washington Sept 11th 1865

Pullen Saml R

Your letter to Maj Genl Howard of date Sept 8th having been referred to me I have the honor to reply. The Govt has ceased to make indentures of cold children. The Freedmen make their own contracts, and can bind their children the same as whites. I find a genl desire among them to retain their children. We can furnish a girl if you desire one upon proper notification. You pay her transportation and starting wages, time you wish to employ her &c

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.

Capt & Supt R F & A L.
Washington and Georgetown

War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 11th 1865

Camp Henry 
Co B 14th V.R.C.

I have the honor to request you to furnish me the descriptive list of Sergt John Hanna 14th V.R.C. lately assigned to duty in this office.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.

Capt and Supt R F & A L
Washington & Georgetown

War Dept Bureau R F & A L.
Washington Sept 11th 1865

Eaton Jno Jr.
Asst Comr 
Bureau R F & AL

I regret exceedingly that I am unable to fill the requisition of the Portugese Minister. I find that cold persons are not willing to go to that part of Maryland on account of the treatment which the formerly recd & although I have assured them they would receive the best possible treatment

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