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with the Portugese Minister still I cannot find such as he desires willing to go.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt

Capt & Supt R F & A L
Washington and Georgetown

War Dept Bureau R F & A L
Washington Sept 12th

Capt. Thomas Danl. G.
M. S. Kp.
copies sent to Capt. H. Babacy 
copies sent to J. H. Crowell
copies sent to C. Baker
copies sent to C.S. Barrett
copies sent to Danl G. Thomas
copies sent to Saml B Lawfer 
copies sent to Benj Burton  
copies sent to E. S. Allen 
copies sent to Ret Col. J G C. Lee 
copies sent to Capt J. M. Moore

I have the honor to inform you that a Freedmens Intelligence Office has been established on the cor. of 14th and M Sts under the direction of Freedmens Bureau. I respectfully request you to send to this office all col'd men who may have been in your employ and are being discharged. We will endeavor to supply them with employment. 

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servt. 

Capt & Supt R F & A L 
Washington and Georgetown

War Dept Bureau R F & A L 
Washington Sept 13th 1865

Clark G. A. 
Lieut & AAAG
Bureau R F & A L 
District of Columbia


I have the honor to report that I have just visited Geo. W Banks the same man refd to in your note as being destitute. I found Dr Tucker at the house when I got there. The family draws rations from the Soup House in charge of Mrs Carter. Everything is being for him by Dr Tucker that can be done. There are four children the oldest is a girl 9 yrs old. the next a girl 7 yrs old. the next a boy 5 yrs old. the youngest a girl 3 yrs old. Mrs Banks also needs some clothing. In this respect I can do nothing for them as I have no clothing suitable. 

Very Respectfully &c. 

Capt &c


War Dept Bureau R F & A L 
Washington Sept 13th 1865

Clark, S. A. 
Lt & AAAG.


501 A. J. Ave. is the Office of the Agents of Oliver Wood of Balt. I sent Sergt Hanna to investigate this matter. Wood's Agts. & Cissil it appears are one. collect the Freedmen there and send them off every day or every other day just as they get a sufficient number. The inducements offered the Freedmen so far as he can hear are good wages $12 & $15 per month rations &c. The Freedmen understand that they are to defray their own expenses to Balt. whether any extortions are practiced upon them is hard to tell. (We might find this out if some one of those who have been down to Maryland, while I fear that the freedmen are not dealt justly with I can learn nothing that will enable us to take hold of these Agents. If these are agents of the Bureau in Balt. this matter could be investigated by them. If there is no one at Balt. to investigate this matter I think the plan to employ a [[strikeout]] n [[/strikeout]] col'd detective a good one. He hiring himself to these parties going with them to their place of business destination &c and thus learning exactly what transpires. I am confident the Freedmen are imposed upon. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt, 

Capt &c