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Encl on Comm of 
W.M. Beebe Jr.
Lt Col Local Supt. D.C.

LB 148. O.L.S. D.C. 1867

Bureau RF and AL
Hd Qtr Asst Comm D.C.
Washington Jan 10" 1867

Respy returned for compliance with the provisions of Circular No 1' C.S. office C.Q.M. Bureau R F and A L.

By order of
Bvt Brig Genl Howard
[sgd] S.N. Clark
A.A.A. Genl.

Endt on Comn of 
Jno L. Roberts.

M B 1. Vol 90 O.L.S. 218

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washington Jan 11" 1867

Respy returned.
Mr Roberts will please read the enclosed Circular. No 7 and forward roster in compliance with this and circulars No. 1 & 5 Office Local Supt D.C. i.e. a roster for each month, on the last day of each month, should be made and forwarded to this office, on the 1st day of the succeeding month.

W.M. Beebe Jr
Lt Col 128" U.S.C.T.
Local Supt D.C.

Endt on Comn of 
Miss J E Griffing

M B 1 Vol 90. O.L.S. 219.

Office Local Supt D.C.
Washn Jan 11" 1867.

Respy forwarded

W.M. Beebe Jr.
Lt Col 128" U.S.C.T.
Local Supt D.C.

Endt on Comn of
W M Beebe Jr
Lt Col L.S. D.C.

L B 154. O.L.S. 1867

We have three orders from the Bureau, dated Jan 5": to the amount of 5.00 for Destitute People. for fuel. if there are what is referred to please inform us and we will fill the orders.

(sgd) G H Phillips
for W.A. Sampson

Transcription Notes:
changed "Reply" to "Respy" (abbrev. for "Respectfully") changed "S.W." to "S.N." Clark U.S.C.T. for United States Colored Troops (sometimes U.S.C.I. for Infantry)