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Endt back on com of
J.L. Roberts

E.P. 369. O.L.S. 850.

Bureau R.F and AL.
Hd Qrs Ass't Com'r D.C.
Washington June 1st 1867.

Respy returned to Rev J.L. Roberts (through Local Supt. D.C.)
The recommendations of the Act'g Local Supt. D.C. is hereby approved.

By Order of
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Howard
(sgd) Wm. W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl.

Office Local Supt. D.C.
Washington June 3rd 1867.

Respy returned. Attention invited to preceeding endorsement.
Wm Roberts will respond the names of the persons, employed under pay to this Office immediately.

JW Vanderburgh
Act'g Local Supt.


Endt on com of
J. A. Bernis

N 2 Vol 15. O.L.S. 860
E.B.377. 860.

War Department.
Bureau R.F. and AL.
Washn D.C. May 16th 1867.

Respy referred to Bt Lt Col W.M. Beebe. Local Supt. D.C. (thro Asst. Com'r D.C.) who will please find a place for these children, where they can be taken care of & go to school if possible.

By Order of
Maj Genl. Howard
(sgd) A.P. Ketchum.
A.A.A. Genl.

Endt back on com of
Mrs. J. S. Griffing

EB1 Vol 371. O.L.S. 849.
EB 376. 849.

Bureau of R.F. and AL.
Hd Qrs Ass't Com'r D.C.
Washington June 1st 1867.

Respy returned (Through Office Local Supt. D.C.) to Mrs. J. S. Griffing. Enp Ag't. Bureau R F and A.L. D.C.
This account cannot be allowed under existing regulations.

By order of
Bvt Brig Genl. Howard
(sgd) W.W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl.